Newspaper advertisements

Newspaper advertisements are important if you want to give information regardingany serious issue whether it is related to recruitment or anything related to education or your services. Furthermore, newspaper advertisements are also meant for the purpose of marketing your business and Easy Book Ad will help you to establish a firm foothold in the market. Nowadays, such advertisements have become popular and newspapers are very easy ways to have good access to the people so that they may know more and more about you and your services. If you can attract your audience through newspapers related to your business, it is certainly going to give you benefits and you can also be in contact with those people who will be working for the betterment of your organization.

Let’s learn moreabout various types of newspaper advertisements

There are basically three types of newspaper ads and they have also some subcategories. Further, three types of advertisements constituting of such subcategories have been mentioned below:

  • Classified advertisements
  • Display advertisements
  • Innovative advertisements

As far as classified advertisements in newspapers are concerned, these are low budget advertisements and they also have subcategories, renowned as Run On Line (ROL) advertisements and classified display ads. As far as several kinds of classified advertisements are concerned, they can further be sub-categorized as property ads, recruitment ads, matrimonial ads, public notices, services ads, announcements, business ads, education ads, obituaries, and astrology ads. As far as ROL is concerned, it can be either plain text or image-based and the image-based ROL is called display classified ads.

When it comes to going through the costs of such advertisements, it is important for you to keep in mind that the costs of such classified newspaper advertisements are set according to at least two parameters. The first parameter is related to the number of lines which will be displayed in the ads and the second parameter will be according to per square centimeter. As far as the minimum size for a classified advertisement in newspaper is concerned, it is 5 lines for ROL. On the other hand, the minimum ad size for displaying a classified ad is 3*5 centimeter and if any advertiser wants to have any such advertisement, he will have to give the information regarding the type of ad and the types of lines which must be mentioned.

If we talk about the second most common category of advertising, they are display advertisements in newspapers and when it comes to the size of such ads, they are certainly bigger than the classified ads and in any normal newspaper, we can expect that the advertisements are certainly going to be either half-page ads or full-page ads. Moreover, advertisements can beboth smaller in size along with quarter-page size ads.

As far as the third type of newspaper advertising services is concerned, it includes pointer ads, newspaper jackets, samplings, ear panels.

Newspaper advertising in India

It’s not going to be a herculean task for customers to book different types of newspaper advertisements and there are categories such as education, change of name, notices, recruitment, matrimonial as well as obituary ads whichclients can choose according to their requirements. Our highly capable team offers advertisement services at a reasonable price and if you think that you need our exquisite services related to newspaper advertisements, you can book our cost-effective services as quickly as possible. We also offer proper media planning and customized packages and we help clients to place their advertisements on television, cinema, radio, and magazines in addition to newspapers. We also use the digital medium to place newspaper ads online and the pricing of several sorts of advertisements is different. If you want to know more details regarding the same, you can certainly contact Easy Book Ad.

There are different types of newspapers that are available in India including The Hindustan Times, Punjab Kesari, The Times of India, The Hindu, The Indian Express, Daily News, Deccan Chronicle, Mirror, Deccan Herald, Mail Today, Daily News, Maharashtra Times, etc.

Know about the cost of newspaper ads

There are lots of factors which set the rates of newspaper advertisements and those factors can include preferred publication, circulation and readership as well as the size of the newspaper ads that you want to be displayed. Other factors also include the position of the papers, preferred sections as well as the edition of those newspapers in which you want your ads to be displayed. Some factors can also set the rates and those things involve whether or not you want colorful advertisements and the volume with which you want the ads to be used in the newspapers. As far as a half-page advertisement in the newspaper is concerned, it is certainly going to be more expensive than an ad which is a quarter-page ad.

If you want premium newspaper ads, they are certainly going to be costlier than those which are non-premium advertisements. Easy Book Ad is certainly a wonderful platform for you to book newspaper ads in any language and in any regional or national publication. There are some top newspapers like The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, and The Hindu where you can easily book your ads through us. Additionally, our excellent team will help you regarding online advertising in newspaper also.

Easy Book Ad---A great platform to book your ads

This particular platform is certainly one of the best newspaper advertisement agency in India and you will have the option of getting good ads at a low price and your content will be satisfactory according to your price. As a top notch newspaper advertising agency, more than 200 newspapers and publication houses are our associates and you can choose any one of them for placement of your advertisements. Further, we’ve got great team members who help our clients to avail big discounts in their newspaper ads. So, what are you waiting for? Connect with us and we will make sure that you will receivescintillating services which will be highly satisfactory.

FAQs regarding newspaper advertisements

The simple answer is yes. You can surely place the advertisement of your choice and publication from any part of India and to do that, it is important for you to contact our platform and our team members will be able to help you with the further process.

Being a highly reputed newspaper ad agency, we can assure you that we will try our best to provide you the preferred location and page when it comes to classified text and display classified ads. However, if you choose display ads, you can easily fix the location and page number and accordingly, we’ll be able to show your ads.

Whenever an ad is placed, we make sure that our clients know it very well and you will also be notified about your ad placement in the newspaper of your choice. You will be notified either through phone call or email message and then you can surely check whether your ad has been placed or not.

You can verify your add placement by looking at the E-paper of publications and it is quite easy to check it and is also a time-saving process. Many people have started reading E-newspapers and in E-newspapers as well, they can find ads and know about the information available in those ads.

We also have clients whose ads have been displayed in different newspapers and they are from outside India as well. If you are one of them, you can certainly contact us and we will definitely help you out in the process to place your advertisement and we will also help you out in preparing the type of content you want to be advertised.

We’ve got clients who want their ads to be published on an urgent basis and we are committed to offer our services and succeed in spite of hard situations. We assure that we are able to overcome such challenges easily and will help customers get the category of their choice at any cost. However, if you want a suitable place for your advertisement, we always recommend you to book your ad through us three to four days before its publishing date.

There are some reasons which make us one of the best platforms throughout the world and those reasons have been mentioned as follows:

  • We help in preparingexquisite ads for our clients and also make sure that those ads are adequately designed. Further, in certain cases we do not charge extra costs on designing.
  • We also give suggestions to our clients in selecting the right category and publication as well as media channel according to the type of ad and content of the clients. Our customized packages appeal to clients’ budget and then they are able to go plan accordingly.
  • The most important reason for you to book your ad with us is convenience.Our highly experienced executive members are able to collect your information either from your office, home or through mail or phone calls and then your ad publishing process gets underway.

Apart from all the categories for which newspaper advertisements are important, the time has also become crucial for different types of businesses to place their ads and services in the newspapers and the readership can be different according to the types of newspapers which are in circulation throughout India. So if you want your advertisement to be placed for the promotion of your business in particular, you should definitely choose a publication which is in great circulation. There are some top newspapers which we have mentioned above and placing advertisementsin them through our supportwill certainly promote your business to the utmost extent.

If you want to place top notch advertisements, the platform of Easy Book Ad is going to be the most preferred one for you and if you want to contact us to know more details, you can surely send your message to our mail at or you can also choose to call us at +91-9310046829

We hope to have a long term association with our clients and your satisfaction will be our biggest accomplishment.

Newspaper Advertising in India, Newspaper Advertisements, Newspaper Ads, Newspaper Advertising Cost, Newspaper Advertising Costs, Newspaper Advertising Agency in India, Newspaper Advertising Services, Advertisements in Leading Newspapers, Types of Newspaper Advertisements, Newspaper Advertising Rates, Newspaper Advertising Options, Best Newspaper Advertising Agencies in India, Newspaper Advertising Agency Contact Number, News Paper Advertising in India