Radio advertising in India

Radio advertising is a specific type of advertising where a particular advertiser has to buy commercials to promote his/her products and services. Apart from this, there are various radio stations one can choose according to particular regions and the payment is made as per available airtime and in exchange, these radio stations offer the audience their favourite programs apart fromvarious radio advertisements. Since there is an availability of radio stations in most parts of our country, it is possible to go through radio FM advertisement and it is certainly going to be one of the most path breaking tactics for the promotion of any business. EasyBookAd has carved a niche for itself as a top notch radio advertising agency in India and if you want to make your brand popular, then our organisation will offer you the best FM Advertising (Radio advertisements) services to communicate with your target audience. Over and beyond that, we provide exclusive rates for our revered clientele. We have got great experience as well as passionate team members who are able to work sincerely in terms of creating phenomenal ads for the clients and those ads make a great impact in making the brand image better in the mind of the radio listeners.

Let's know about radio advertising cost

As far as commercial radio advertising costs are concerned, they differ according to the radio stations and the total number of seconds for which the ads have to be played. Advertising on radio targetsvarious timingsin a day when listeners will be free to enjoysuch advertisements. As far as Delhi is concerned, in this particular city, the radio advertisementscost between Rs 1200 and Rs 1500 per second. Radio advertising in India has emerged as a creative phenomenon and we promise to offer our customers exceptional service in this regard.

Understand radio advertising costs with the example given below

Suppose that there is an ad which has been set for Rs. 600 for a particular radio station in a city and it means that it's going to be considered as one Jingle which will be played for ten seconds and if advertisers want the ad to be played for 60 seconds and that too four times continuously for seven days then the total cost of the ad is going to be (600*60*4*7)10 which would be Rs. 1,00,800. You have to understand the FM radio advertising rates in a better way while avoiding myriad confusions. It will be easy for you to understand that if the cost for one second of a radio ad is Rs. 200 in Delhi NCR, it is going to cost Rs. 200 per advertisement while being played on any radio station such as Radio Mirchi, FM Gold even for one second.

How does commercial radio advertising help?

As far as the benefits of commercial radio advertising are concerned, it is able to sell any product or service immediately by introducing it to listeners. Commercial radio advertising helps in making several products and services intimate and available for all the listeners on a particular radio station.

  • Since radio offers its services through audio mode, it is able to escape all types of advertising clutter and makes itself very clear in the mind of the listeners.
  • It is undoubtedly true that radio advertising is one of the most cost-effective modes of advertising.
  • Offering best radio ads is the prerogative of Easy Book Ad and radio advertising is definitely playing the role of an active media.
What are the options of the radio station list?

There are different types of options available for you to get your products and services advertised on a particular radio station and some of these stations have been mentioned below. Customers can choose any one of them according to their preferences.

All the radio stations mentioned above are so popular that most of the listeners would like to tune in to hear their favourite programs. Repeated advertisements help listeners to get a better idea about different products and services of any advertiser and they're able to remember them for a long time.

If you want different types of reverting services, Easy Book Ad acts as the perfect platform which will be able to offer innumerable advertising services in the following ways:

Radio commercials

If you want to have a primary form of radio advertisement, you'll have to go through a radio station which offers the best experience for you and there are three classifications of commercial timings:-

Primetime radio advertisement

It is available from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

Non-Primetime Radio Advertisement

This particular slot includes time periods of 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM as well as 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

The entire day radio advertisement

When it comes to the entire day radio advertisement, it isavailable only within the duration 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

The radio advertisement mentioned by RJs

There are various RJs who present different programs on radio and on many occasions, it happens that they are able to mention a particular brand on different stations and do not only talk about the brand but also discuss about several products and services that the brand has to offer for the listeners. Radio listeners are able to listen to all such brands and their products in a very attentive way. It is also important to notice that some RJs can be famous and their followers and fans would like to listen to them carefully and if they mention any brand, the customers are always excited to know more about that.

Contests and roadblock

There are different types of contests that radio advertisements go through and those contests include a chance to win a particular prize for the listeners and it makes them more attentive to listen to such advertisements and as far as a roadblock is concerned, through it, a brand is able to make constant tapping to the listeners so that these listeners may listen very carefully to instill good awareness and in this way, a particular brand gets ingrained in the mind of the regular radio listeners.

Outdoor broadcast through radio

There can be another agreement between the advertisers as well as RJs and their team members and because of this particular agreement, It is possible to broadcast the advertisement off-site as well. This particular service comes with a premium version of radio advertisement and it can be taken only with the desired choice of the advertiser and for this, he will have to spend more. But this particular feature is also beneficial when it comes to attracting the attention of radio listeners to your brand.

FAQS regarding radio advertising

This is certainly going to be a fantastic way for you to grow your business and at the same time, you will also be able to brand your business in a better way and it will certainly help you get more and more revenue. As far as radio stations are concerned, they have a fixed demographic and market segment and they work accordingly. If you want to have an advertisement on the radio, it is important for you to make up your mind regarding choosing the station on which you want your advertisement to be played. You should also be sure about increasing or decreasing the frequency of delivering the ad message regarding your products and services.

Let’s assume that the rate to advertise on any radio station is Rs 200 per second and if you want your advertisement to be 30 seconds long then you will have to spend 200*30 which is equal to Rs 6000 for the promotion of your brand.

If you want to place an advertisement on FM radio for listeners to know about your brand, it is important for you to hire a radio advertising agency. We provide advertisement services and if you want to know more about it, you can definitely contact Easy Book Ad. We have got many years of experience in terms of digital advertising, creative arrangements as well as promotion of the business and we are known to be one of the heads of advertising organizations in India. We are an organized institution which helps different types of businesses to grow them through radio advertisement.

If you choose to go through primetime which is from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM, you’ll have to pay more because the radio ad for prime time is always expensive as compared to the mixed time and non-prime time. If you go through mixed time and non-prime time, you will have to spend less for the same advertisement.

Our geographical presence

We have got our geographical presence in various cities of India and the list of those cities can be found given below according to stations

Big 92.7

You can find our presence regarding this station in Amritsar, Bangalore, Agra, Ajmer, Bikaner, Chandigarh Delhi, etc.

Radio City 91.1

You can find our presence in Chennai, Jaipur, Mumbai Nagpur, Surat, Bangalore, Ahmednagar, etc.

My FM 94.3

You can find our presence in Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Surat, Nagpur, Ajmer, Amritsar.

FM Gold

You can find our presence in Delhi NCR Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.

Hit 95 and Fever 104

You can find our presence in Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi NCR, Chennai and Mumbai.

Radio Mirchi 98.3 and Red FM 93.5

You can find our presence in Ahmedabad, Delhi NCR CR, Indore, Kolkata, Jamshedpur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Mangalore, Bhopal, Kanpur, etc.

If you want to have the experience of the best radio ads, you can definitely contact our platform and we will help you grow your business in a very fast manner because listeners of radio will be able to know about your products and your brand value will increase in no time. We are always accessible and if you want to contact us, you can simply send us anemail or you can also choose to call us at + 91-9310046829