Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions represent a legally binding agreement between Customers and Easy Book ad Private Limed concerning the use of the website www.Easybookad.com. It is the online arm of all services of an advertising agency. The services of this agency are available to all individuals and companies who wish to advertise, provided they meet every requirement for entering into a legally enforceable valid contract and the party/s transferring to the company's services defined by the user.


Easybookad is not responsible for any false/misleading information/advertisement. It is the responsibility of the end user to research/verify/accept the original content. Easybookad is not responsible for the consequences of any action taken based on the information provided on the website. Buying and selling through Easybookad is available only to individuals who confirm all valid and legal requirements to enter into a valid contract that is enforceable under the law.


All the information provided by the advertiser states that the content of the advertisement given by the advertiser is true and correct and nothing has been concealed from the newspaper and is in compliance with the laws in India.

The advertiser stands by the contents of the said advertisement and indemnifies the newspaper/portal/website for any legal/civil action arising out of the publication of the said advertisement.

Under no circumstances will Easybookad be liable for any damages to the Advertiser for any errors or omissions on the part of the publication. Cancellations and changes will only be accepted with at least 7 days prior notice in writing to Easybookad issuance and will be executed under our cancellation policy.

Extreme Good Faith.

All advertisements are accepted in good faith and EasyBookad accepts no responsibility for the authenticity of advertisers, nor may any interviews or correspondence be made concerning any advertisements published.

Content of Advertisement

All information of any kind received from the user/advertiser is taken in good faith, without doubting the authenticity of the advertiser.

The content of the advertisement is believed to be true and correct and in compliance with the laws of India.

AD Preview

The ad preview shown to a user is only an indicative preview of the ad text and may at times be different from the actual published ad. Such change is beyond Easybookad's control and the organization breaches its responsibility in this regard. Further, the organization would like to inform you that no dispute will be entertained in this regard.

Discount Conditions

Discount Terms: 1 Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. 2. Limited period offer. 3. Can be withdrawn without notice before the deadline period.


Advertisers must not expect compensation from EasyBooked for any action or claim by any third party due to any advertisement directed by Advertisers or its agency.

Limit of Liability

Under no circumstances will Easybookad be liable for any damages caused to the Advertiser for any errors or omissions. Cancellation and changes will be accepted in writing only.

Subcategory Classification

Advertiser agrees that if the appropriate subcategory is not selected at the time of booking/if selected and is not available with the publication, the advertisement may be placed at editorial discretion.

Prohibition of Offensive Content

Easybookad prohibits broadcasting (via SMS/text/advertising or any other content), distribution or posting of unwanted or objectionable material, Prohibited broadcasting includes, without limitation, profane or sexually explicit advertisements that contain words Masking or misspelling, or including images that are illegal under any applicable law.

Applicable Taxes and Costs

The client has to accept and agree to the fact that he/she will have to take responsibility for all applicable taxes and costs that are incurred as a result of Easy Book Ad’s service. Moreover, we have the authority and reserve the right to increase or decrease our fees connected with our services at our sole discretion.

Exclusive Agreement

This Agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties regarding this subject matter, superseding any prior agreement and communication with respect to the such subject matter. This Agreement may only be modified, or waived of any right hereunder, by a written document executed by both parties.

Acknowledgement and Acceptance Related to Terms and Conditions

Easybookad is only accepting advertisements on behalf of publications displayed on the Site. It is not responsible for any delay by the publications in discharging any of its obligations towards users.

Refund Policy

Cancellation of an ad for any reason will result in a charge of 15% of your total cost until the ad is processed for publication. In these circumstances, if an advertisement misses the release on the scheduled date, at the request of the customer; we may refund the amount at no charge.

Advertisement refunds are processed in the same mode in which we receive payment. In case of a refund of payment made through cash collection from home, we will make an account transfer mode for a refund of payment. Refunds are processed within 15-20 business days.

Visual Confirmation of AD Release

If you are not a subscriber to the newsletter you can verify your advertisement through the e-paper versions of your newsletter - these can be viewed through the link. The e-paper is an online replica of the print version and is accessible to all major newspapers and their major editions. If the e-paper version is not available, you can ask your family or friends who subscribe to the newsletter to verify your ad. We currently do not provide any service to provide the scanned copy of the advertisement.

Partner Publications

For, all advertisements booked by the Advertiser for Partner Publications, the Partner Publication shall assume full responsibility for publishing the Advertisement and its content. In the event of any deficiency in the service, the Partner Publication shall bear the full responsibility for the same. Easybookad will not be responsible for this.


You are authorized to receive communications from us through e-mail, phone calls, and SMS in connection with your transactions on our website. Users will be required to register their valid phone numbers and e-mail addresses to facilitate such communication. We may also use your e-mail address to send you updates, newsletters, and changes to the features of the Service, and to provide you with better services.

Modifications to Terms and Conditions

Easybookad reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify the Terms and Conditions and to edit, modify and change the content of the Advertisement, at any time and without prior notice to its users/advertisers. The user agrees that Online Ads placed with Easybookad will appear within 48 hours. The user further agrees to the 48-hour processing period prescribed for all advertisements which will be required by Easybookad. In the event that the user selects multiple publications/multi-editions, the publisher reserves the right to reschedule the advertisement. With print dates and publication dates subject to availability of space

Rescheduling Advertisements

Easybookad reserves the inalienable right to reject, change or reschedule any advertisement/listing on behalf of the publication, even if the advertisement has been paid for. The terms contained herein together with its amendments, if any, shall at all times govern the acceptance and publication of any advertisement.

Dealing with Organizations and Individuals

Easybookad assumes no responsibility to directly engage in any transaction, including SMS and/or any other services, between parties using the Site. The Easybookad Site is a site only and does not screen or censor or otherwise, control listings offered to other users, nor does Easybookad, screen or censor or otherwise control users of its service. Easybookad assumes no responsibility for the content or context of the User Comment Areas and will not delete or edit postings in the Public Comments Areas after entering the Service, except at the end of the record or at our sole discretion.

Filing of Claim

As far as this framework matters, the client agrees that notwithstanding any conflicting enactments or regulations, any claim regarding services of Easy Book Ad should be made in a duration of 15 days.

Reporting Infringement of Various Terms and Conditions

We would request all our users to support us in making the experience with Easy Book Ad enjoyable and perfect. If customers witness any sorts of materials or inappropriate behavior which might infringe upon or be in contravention of our Terms & Conditions, they are requested to contact and inform our support team accordingly.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The client is excepted to accept various advantages associated with our service will be provided at his/her own risk. Moreover, Easy Book Ad does not recognize any sort of warranty; whether express or implied. Furthermore, our team also refuses to acknowledge any implicit warranties related to merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement.

Refusal of Service

Easy Book Ad reserves the right and is entitled to pursue the legal route if it comes to the conclusion that any user might have violated the Terms & Conditions discussed between both parties. Action taken by the organization might not only be restricted to the cancellation of the user's account and/or debarring any person who may have violated any of the Terms & Conditions. Additionally, we have complete authority to refuse services to anyone at any time and to remove any listings or advertisements for any reason, without providing any advance notice.

Personal Services

Although different kinds of advertisements are accepted in sincerity, straightforwardness, and good faith, Easy Book Ad will not acknowledge responsibility for their accuracy, impediments, errors, omission in publication, decrease in production, conformity with all applicable laws, etc. The advertiser/user and/or publisher are expected to reimburse Easy Book Ad for any action or claim or declaration brought by any third party arising directly or indirectly from publication or non-publication of an advertisement including but not limited to violation or contravention of any law/statutory requirement etc.

Terms Associated with Payments
  • Users should take into account that all payments should be confirmed with us, 3 days before the final publication of advertisements occurs
  • In the case of overdue accounts, a service charge of 2% will be levied per month.
  • If any dispute arises, the issue will have to be resolved under the jurisdiction of GB Nagar U.P. courts.